Network benches


MOBA Library Tables

Computer workstations are an important part of any library. The unique design and heavy-duty construction makes the MOBA table a perfect fit for these open environments. The low profile side panels also addresses the need for personal space. These freestanding tables are a great reconfigurable alternative to the expensive fixed benching systems.
Available in customizable colors and configurations. Each of our MOBA computer tables can be tailor-made to your unique requirements.

E-Kiosk Series

The E-Kiosk is a great solution for a walk-up email station. The tabletop can support a large LCD with keyboard and mouse. The CPU is hidden behind the modesty panel. A locking rear door is optional.

The modern design of the E-Kiosk fits nicely into any library, common area, LRC, etc.



Convert wasted wall space into functional workspace.

The PowerBar is ideal for any hallway or common area where students “hang-out” between classes.


Multi-Use Carrels

The 18″H divider creates a private space between students. The Multi Use Carrel is a great solution for a wide variety of applications

  • Computer testing

  • Paper testing

  • Library study table

  • Common area worktable

  • Language Labs

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